Report of the International Poole Regatta 2024 from 25th -27th May 2024.
The entrylist consisted of 13 participants of 5 countries of which some came directly from the SaarLorLux Regatta.
Activities started on Friday with craning of some boats with elbow grease, other boats were launched by the slipway. In the evening Paul had reserved for all sailers and „coaches“ a table at the Lakeyard Marina with a view on the battlegrounds for the next 3 days where a nice dinner was served in high spirit.
For Saturday 3 races were planned and sailed. In sunny ligth weather approx 10 knts the first races were sailed with limited efect of the tides in the bay. Later the wind picked up a little bit up max 15 knts. Megan won all 3 races and in the intermediate results followed by Bruce Hill and Pieter Visser.
All stories were verbally repeated on shore later on at the Irish pub of Cormick who supplied us of the much needed liquid medicines.

Sunday clearly had more wind in mind for us sailors starting with approx 15 knts picking up to 25 knts in the 2nd race. First race won by Megan, but 2nd race another story with Loic sailing strongly in 1st position. However in the last downwind leg Megan had a briliant gybe and passed Loic in the last meters.
In the meanwhile the wind had picked up much more so only 5 boats at the start of which one submarined which left 4 brave (or crazy) on the water. Waves were high and with wind up to 32 knts mainsails almost useless upwind. Downwind even more tricky with the risc of nose diving. The reporter was almost whiped out, lost control and had to sail half wind to the lower mark. This race was also won by Megan however she nearly lost it with her boat halffull of water…..
Results after 6 races, Megan leading followed by Bruce and Loic.
Price giving was at the Parkstone Yacht Club where also dinnner was served. Prices, a bottle of white wine, for the races were won by Bruce and Loic for ending 2nd in the 2nd day, but the biggest prices were won at the loltery with a bottle of gin by Martin and a box of wine by Henk partly donated to the Irish pub.
On Monday Bankholiday the last 2 races were sailed with still quit some wind up to 25 knts. Unfortunately Loic had a collision which bended his mast so much that he had to give up the 1st race and also could not sail the 2nd. These races also were won by Megan followed by a strong Steve and Pieter.

Boats were afterwards hauled out with the help of sailors and supporters. After cleaning and drying of both boats and sailors the (in)official 2.4mR prizegiving was done by Megan. She prepared a nice personal card with kind words for each competitor, special designed 2.4 beer cans and a big trolley bag for Kate finishing at the 8th place.
As always the Report Trophy was handed over to the 5th place, in this case myself Henk.
Final podium: 1st Megan, 2nd Bruce and 3rd Pieter, all well done.

Afterwards the top 3 went to the formal prizegivving to collect their well earned prizes.
All in all a memerable event which will be held again in 2026.
Henk van Heuvelen, NED 36, Winner of the Report Trophy