Hi European 2.4mR sailors and others who are interested in a good and vibrant future for the 2.4mR Class

Many of you will know that the embryo of the idea of a European Circuit to enliven the class and to give a real focus in these troubled times was mooted in Quiberon and has been finalised in talks at the recent Antwerp regatta. It is hard not to think that this should be the true purpose of the Executive Committee of the International Class Association but there appeared no appetite for them, apart from certain members, to go down this constructive road and they have had more than enough time to move in a positive direction.
It appears to me that many 2.4mR sailors are troubled by the movement in Germany and the Executive Committee of International Class Association which has majored on negative moves, now filtering into a new version of the class constitution, which probably calls for sanctions against sailors if they don’t ‚tow the line‘ and for the Technical Committee of International Class Organisation which for so many years has majored on the one design class whilst ignoring the improvement and modernisation of the overall 2.4mR class.
In this scenario we have to respect that the American continent has difficulty to understand the complexity of one design within our established class and alternatively it is more than encouraging that we find the Australian sailors do embrace the metre boat ideals. I am not afraid to say which camp I fall into!
I have to admit that my failure to stay the course as President seems to have accelerated the negative moves and for that I apologise. Unfortunately the clock cannot be turned back and I have difficulty to seeing a different decision for myself in hindsight.
At that point I had considered a move out of the 2.4mR class and the covid restrictions gave me a chance to explore another class, but, it became very clear that the 2.4mR was unique for me and gives me the joy of sailing the perfect machine, racing against sailors that I respect, and finally to enjoy the friendship which exists and should exist throughout the whole worldwide fleet.
It was easy for me to understand the concept of a European circuit which for most European sailors is possible to achieve when travel costs and the overall cost of living is biting hard in all pockets in whatever country you live.
I fear that the Worlds in Finland will suffer because of this and I am sorry as the water and facilities there are excellent. One must hope that the Ukrainian war doesn’t also impact further to all our detriment.
I sailed in both the Dutch Nationals in Rotterdam and the Antwerp City Cup in a high standard fleet and it was very much turning back to enjoyment on all levels without this insidious cancer of politics, division and one design. One of the points worth a mention was that at the Rotterdam event the first four places were represented by, the Stradivari, the Super 3, a standard Norlin and finally the Sodergren. Once again the same designs headed the Antwerp regatta with the exception of the Sodergren which is waiting for a new owner.
Time now for those who think in a similar way to get back to basics which is clean racing on varied waters against and with sailors who you respect and to accept the differences both in boat and sailor that gives this unique class its life.
Steve Bullmore, GBR 91
President 2.4mR International Class Association 2014 – 2021
Well said.
Thanks, Steve, for your warm and personal statement. I still remember the great time we had in Rotterdam and I’m really looking forward to meet you on the water in 2023 ! Take care and be prepared for 2023´s season .
Best from Münster – as ever!
Stefan Kaste
GER 1000
Meine Meinung : Bullshit
Hello Rudi,
your choice of words violates the desired tone on these pages. We have nevertheless allowed it in order to take this opportunity to emphasise that comments here and in the forum, as well as on the water, should be borne by a friendly, respectful, fair and argumentative style.
We ask you: Confrontations of this kind should have no future with us.
Das ist in Ordnung, ich will mich bemühen. Andererseits sollten aber auch die Beiträge in diesem Geiste sein, der von Steve war es nicht.
The Objectives of this group is to distance ourselves away from the Politics and enjoy our sailing. If sailing with friends is not what you wish, please find another way to express your anger and leave us to creating a unique and exciting sailing circuit.
Nur soviel : mit wem ich als Freund segeln möchte ist meine Sache, hier sind einige Personen, die nicht unbedingt dazu gehören. Und eine Gruppe, die die deutsche 2.4 Klassenvereinigung spalten möchte, gehört schon gar nicht dazu.
Mit welcher Legitimation darf diese Gruppe eine Regattaserie veranstalten ? Wer ist Simon ? Es gibt in der deutschen KV keinen Simon.
To end this exchange of comments: This is a group of European 2.4 sailors who want to bring new impulses to the scene on the continent.