CZE Grand Prix 2023: Only happy faces

CZE Grand Prix 2023: Only happy faces

A wonderful weekend with the CZE Grand Prix at Lake Macha in the Czech Republic is behind us. The weather was fantastic, the hospitality was fantastic, the performance of the regatta management was exceptionally good and the wind offered a lot of variety for us sailors.

On the first day a southeasterly wind of around seven knots prevailed around midday and we completed four races. At times the wind turned a little more clearly, especially in front of the windward buoy, with one side of the field then passing. But the equalising justice happened quickly or in the next round by a turn from the other side. Urs Infanger had the best feeling with at the same time great boat speed in this wind with four first places.

On the second day it was blowing significantly more, with constant 12 knots and gusts of up to 15 knots. The turners also remained in these four races again. Urs again won two of them, but Alexander Sadilek and Karin Hofmann were also able to enter their names in the list of winners. In the evening, eight of the nine planned races had been completed and this reassured everyone, as no more wind was forecast for the third day. This proved to be correct, so that the race committee declared the Grand Prix over at 10.30 am.

The race committee did a flawless job every day. The speed of the buoy laying after each race was impressive. Experienced regatta experts were at work on the motorboats and on the starting ship. And with the positioning of the last buoy, the next race started immediately. Excellent!!

The evenings on the first and second days were also outstanding. Not only the food stood out, but also the clubhouse, which was tastefully decorated by the companions, including T-shirts from the last 20 years of 2.4mR regattas, which took Czech sailors all over the world. These garments represent the sailing of Czech 2.4mR sailors since that time.

Manuela Libor's selection of the day's prize winners was also inimitable. Not the first three of the day were awarded, but rather... Jörg Meyerdiercks, who himself guessed that he had the most consistent results sailed without strings: three times 15. Then the only sailing couple was allowed to move forward: Sabine and Dirk Clausen.

The next day we continued with the sailor who has participated in the most major regattas in the last 6 months. Special Olympics in Berlin, Inclusion World Championship in Rostock, German Championship in Geierswalde and now CZE Grand Prix in Doksy was sailed by Christian Bodler. As winner in one race Karin Hofmann recieved a bottle as well Alexander Sadilek, who has also been the successful organizer of the Grand Prix for years.

The award ceremony following the cancellation of the last race saw only satisfied faces and relaxed winners in view of the many dreamlike experiences of these days.

CZE Grand Prix youger, 1. Urs Infanger with wooden 2.4 donated by Christoph Bodler, 2. Ulli Libor, 3. Karin Hofmann

But the “price gouging” still didn’t end there. Sabine Clausen GER 19 received third Frau in European Circuit (after Brigitte Humbert FRA 5 and Karin Hofmann GER 72) the scarf of Queen Silvia of Sweden, which was created on the occasion of a childhood race in Drachen 2008.

As you can see, all in all a very successful event.

Detlef Müller-Böling GER 99, winner of the Report Trophy


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